Zeta Potential of Lantadene Post Alcoholic Reflux Method
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Lantadene, a pentacyclic triterpenoid, is a hydrophobic bioactive compound exhibiting wide array of therapeutic
applications. It’s high molecular weight and structure plays an important factor for using this as drug. Zeta potential
value -17.96 meV indicates it’s stability in the colloidal dispersion. Proper drug delivery system may focus on feasible
therapeutic action.
Lantana camera L. provides a huge amount of biomass that
is interest to exploit for natural product. Some pentacyclic
tri-terpenoids are known to have anti-inflammatory.1,2
antitumor3 or anti-AIDS activity. Lantadene isolated from
L. Camera belong to the oleanane series which have
attracted considerable interest mainly because of their
toxicity and antitumor activity. Leaf extracts exhibits tumor
inhibitory activity in a two stage carcinogenesis model in
mice. It was also found that compound induces apoptosis in
human leukemia HL- 60 cells4. These compounds differ in
the structure of the group attached C- 22 and there are
indication that the structural variations involving C-22, C-
17 in the antitumor activity of Lantadene A.7
Lantana camara linn, Lantadene, Zeta potential, colloidal dispersion, drug delivery system.