Dermal anatomy of some species of genus Dendrobium Sw. from Maharashtra


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    Dermal anatomy of some species of genus Dendrobium Sw. from Maharashtra
    (2011-11) Mulgaonkar, M.S.
    Present paper deal with study on dermal anatomy of four species of Dendrobium Sw. namely - Dendrobium microbulbon A. Rich., D. mabalae Gammine., Dedrobium ovatum (Willd) Kranzl., and D. barbatulum Lindl. In present investigation it has been observed that stomata are anomocytic and flushed with the epidermis as is true in majority of orchids7. Trichomes were presnet on abaxial side of D. microbulbon and absent in other three species. Winter et. al,1 and Vij et al.,9 had reported restricted occurrence of trichomes on the lower epidermis in orchids. All the four species showed hypostomatic condition.